Friday, December 14, 2007

22 Weeks! Is It Over Yet?

I know I shouldn't complain, but really it’s so difficult not to! Especially when you are feeling like crap, as I am right now. The past couple of days I have had a very unhappy digestive tract, not sure of the cause (could it be the stomach bug that seems to be going around, or something in my diet?) all I know is that I've been dealing with a case of diarrhea that doesn't want to go away (a disgusting subject, I know). Overall, it isn’t that bad, I’m not throwing up and eating is not a problem. The problem is, as soon as I do eat, the contents of my stomach immediately empty, in a not-so-happy manner. I’ve been trying to drink plenty of fluids so I don’t get dehydrated; my next plan of attack is to try the so-called BRAT diet (Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) as a solution and to cut out dairy, which apparently can make the problem worse. So much for my beloved morning bowl of cereal! I am hoping that by the end of the weekend, this problem is under control! If not, I’m guessing I should make a call to the doctor.

Other complaints: the pain in my lower back STILL exists! I’ve found no real relief and I am just really aggravated! I’ve determined that what I am experiencing is “posterior pelvic pain.” I feel it deep inside my buttocks (specifically my tailbone area) and hips and it has now progressed to pain down the backs of my thighs! Just about every activity seems to make it worse. Sitting, getting in and out of bed, climbing stairs, getting dressed, you name it!

On a positive note, both Eric and Tyler have now felt the baby move! I’m not really sure what they think, but it’s cool and exciting to know that someone other than me has gotten to experience baby movement! And despite all the not-so-fun side effects of being pregnant, I am really looking forward to meeting the new little one! Only 18 weeks to go!

Monday, December 3, 2007

20 Weeks!

I have officially made it to the half-way point! Only 20 more weeks to go! I’ve been a slacker and haven’t written in a while, mostly because things are pretty calm and there is nothing major to report. We had our ultrasound last Tuesday and everything looks really good. Baby Walker is quite a mover and a shaker, barely holding still for the ultrasound tech to get the pictures needed. And, for those of you who are wondering, yes, I did find out the baby’s sex . . . BUT . . . Eric doesn’t want to know, so I’m keeping it a secret! Sorry!

I am feeling the baby move a lot, and like I said before, Baby Walker is quite a mover! At roughly 13 ounces, baby can throw a mean punch (or kick). Big Brother Tyler has tried a few times to feel the baby moving in Mommy’s tummy, but his patience usually runs out and he takes off to get into something more exciting! I also tried to get Eric to feel the baby move, but that was interrupted by a possible “deer” sighting, go figure . . . deer are WAY more important. It’s okay though, it is still pretty difficult to feel the baby from the outside, while it can be done, it does take some patience. I’m sure in a month or so, it will be much easier and a lot more fun!

I’m excited to be heading into my six month; every day is a day closer to meeting this new little creature growing inside me! The only downside to being pregnant so far has been the horrendous pain I feel in my butt and hips. The doctor did say that any discomfort in my hips that I’m having should begin to subside in the next month, and I really hope so! I’m so annoyed by how much it hurts.

Friday, November 9, 2007

17 Weeks – Almost Halfway!

Today marks the start of my 17th week! I’m getting closer to that half-way point and I am sooooo glad. Not that I don’t like being pregnant, it’s just that I think I like being “not” pregnant much better!

Feeling the baby move is one of the joys I am getting to experience. I have been feeling random “flutters” for a couple of weeks now and the “flutters” are beginning to become stronger and more frequent. Our ultrasound is in 17 days! I am looking forward to seeing the little guy or girl on screen again.

In other news, I have begun to experience the most annoying and horrible pain known to man in my tailbone. It’s hurts to sit for long periods of time and it’s quite painful at night when I am lying in bed. I’ve done some internet research and have found that I am not the only pregnant lady to experience this problem, and I must say, I don’t remember having this problem at all with Tyler. I have read several reasons as to why this could be happening. One for example says that the pelvic floor ligaments attach to your tailbone and as they soften up, they hurt. Well, whatever the reason for the pain, I don’t like it! Seriously, it’s just not cool! And I’ve ruled out sciatica simply because there is no pain in my legs, the pain is all centrally located. Typically, so I’ve read, people who experience sciatica experience numbing or tingling down the backs of their legs. The pain I feel actually feels like someone is driving a nail into my tailbone with a 50 pound hammer!

Dream news – I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt that I gave birth to a very healthy baby girl. Okay, that part is not so strange, the strange part is that I gave birth at 17 weeks to a healthy baby girl and when we brought her home we put her in a drawer and named her Sophia. I’m not exactly sure how to decode the dream, except to say that I hope it’s a sign that I’m having a baby girl! I have been having that “boy” feeling, the same feeling that I had when I was pregnant with Tyler, and even though I have been hoping for a girl, I can’t shake the “it’s a boy” feeling. That is until today. Because of the dream last night, now I’m not quite so sure, I almost feel 100% opposite, like it’s totally a girl. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be equally happy with either a boy or girl, but I do long for a little more estrogen in the household!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not much to report!

I know it’s been a while since I have written, but to be honest, since my last doctor’s appointment, the pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. I feel great, except for the afternoon slump, so I really can’t complain. I made it through my first trimester and I’m nearing 15 weeks, I am just soooo ready for this to be over! Mainly because it’s no fun being “the pregnant one” when you go out!

For example, this past weekend several of us went out for a birthday dinner (for my friend Kiley). Dinner was great, good conversation, good friends, and a lot of fun – EXCEPT for the fact that everyone else was able to enjoy several tasty beverages while I sat and very slowly sipped on a glass of wine (which I never finished). Now I know that 9 months isn’t really that long in the grand scheme of things and that alcohol is really not that important, but seriously my cravings for beer and vodka are just about unbearable! I am trying to remember how I did this the first time around, I don’t remember having quite the same disappointment and withdrawal as I do now, and I’m wondering why that is. Please don’t think that I am a raging alcoholic, because I really am not. But I do enjoy nice cold beer or an ever-so-tasty vodka concoction, but I rarely over-indulge (usually due to the fact that my husband beats me to it).

All in all, though, I really can’t complain. I’m healthy, all of my “lab tests” have come back clean and I feel good. So I just have to make it through the next 25 weeks! Eric has decided he doesn’t want to know the sex of the baby, he wants to be surprised! I’m just not down with that! So I plan on finding out, but sorry to everyone in advance! I won’t be telling! He he he! I managed to pull it off with Tyler, so I am sure I can do it again! I just don’t want to wait until the birth to know, I want to be prepared. I want to be able to think of the life growing inside of me as something other than “it.”

Friday, October 5, 2007

Dr’s Visit Number Two

So on Tuesday of this week I was back to the Doctor for my second visit, which consisted of meeting with a nurse to discuss “health history” and a visit with a doctor for a full examination. The history portion of the appointment was pretty eventless. I sat and answered the typical questions, heart disease-no, breast cancer-no, severe depression-no, high blood pressure-no, blah blah blah. All those stupid questions that are supposed to indicate whether you are at a higher risk for developing said diseases in the future. Then after all of the question asking was completed I was asked about my first pregnancy and the delivery, any complications, was your baby normal, did you have an epidural (no, I did not), etc, etc. That was then followed by how you should behave and what you should eat, sleep, think, and do while being pregnant, yada yada yada. As you can tell I just find this portion of being pregnant so VERY exciting.

After the “history” portion of the appointment, it was time for my exam. But first I needed to make that ever-so-important stop in the bathroom to give a urine sample. After my bathroom break (which was actually VERY appreciated) I was told to go back to the waiting room because the doctor was “not quite ready for me.” I waited about 10 minutes in the waiting room, just glancing through a magazine, I was called back again. The good news! I’ve only gained a pound! My blood pressure was also a very good 110/60. Next I was instructed to fully disrobe and put on the hospital gown and to wait on the table with the lovely paper cover over me, no problem done it hundreds of times (maybe not quite that many, but its definitely not a foreign concept). And so there I sit, naked except for my hospital gown and paper smock and wouldn’t you know – THE FIRE ALARM GOES OFF!

Now, I am not the “panicky” type, so the fact that the fire alarm was going off really didn’t bother me. I was more in an “I can’t believe this is happening, I’m naked for god sakes” state of mind and I sat there not sure how to react. So after about 30 seconds, I got up and kind of peeked my head out of the door and at that moment saw a nurse rushing toward me. “Come one, we’ve got to get you outta here.” To which I respond “Well, do I need to get dressed.” At that moment I find that the nurse is rushing and grabbing and says as she is throwing another hospital gown on me, “we’ll just cover you up with another gown, grab your flip flops.” I’m thinking, you’ve got to be F---ing kidding me!

So I’m quickly escorted out of the building with nurse shielding me as much as possible. After walking down some random hallways and out a back door we are in the parking lot. Me, the nurse, my two hospital gowns and about 100 other people! As mortified as I am, I can’t help but want to laugh. I keep catching the pity look in several people’s eyes and one of the doctors kindly gives me her lab coat so that I may cover up even more. In the distance we begin to hear fire sirens but nobody is looking as though the situation is serious (which I’m glad about because my clothes and purse were left in my exam room). After about 10 minutes of standing there and thinking “this could be so much worse” we are told “possibly some dumb kid pulled the alarm” and we are let back into the building.

As I am led back to my exam room I am relieved. It was definitely an eventful trip to the doctor’s and one that I will remember and will tell my child when it’s older. The rest of the appointment was pretty standard. I met and had my first encounter ever with a male OB/GYN, and I must say, I really liked him. It wasn’t at all weird like I thought it would be. He was VERY nice and VERY apologetic for the fire alarm situation. He attempted to hear the baby’s heartbeat but was unable so he pulled out the ultrasound machine for a look-see just to make sure everything was “okay.” Which it was, and I was kind of glad to get to see the little one on screen again, it’s always so amazing to look at something that is growing inside of you. After the standard “pap” I was handed my paper work and told “see you in 4 weeks.” As I dress and leave the building I breathe a sigh of relief, what an experience and I’m starving!

On Wednesday I had to go for the wonderful “blood drawing” event that every expectant mother is subjected to. I don’t mind needles and I don’t mind having my blood taken, but good lord do they really need 6 vials of the stuff! With all the “modern” technology, I thought we were able to tell everything we needed to know about a person from a simple drop of blood, which makes me wonder WHY then, do we still need to take so many samples! After my blood is taken, I give yet another urine sample and I’m off. So as long as I don’t hear anything, that’s a good sign!

In other mom news . . . my poor son Tyler was thrown up on yesterday in school. The poor little guy! When I greeted him after school I noticed he was wearing different shorts, not the ones I sent him to school in. My first thought was “oh no, he had an accident or spilled something on himself.” But he quickly let me know as he handed me a bag if vomit infested clothing, that “no, I was just thrown up on.” Now its one thing to clean up your own child’s vomit. It’s a motherly duty; I’ve done it several times. When it’s your own child all the gag-reflexes that go with cleaning up vomit seem to disappear and you can handle it. But when it’s someone else’s vomit . . . that is a different story!

Friday, September 21, 2007

10 Weeks!

Well, I’m creeping closer to the end of my 1st trimester, something I am really looking forward to! But alas, I really don’t have much to report, at least nothing exciting. On a heartwarming, mother note – my son Tyler has taken to screaming into my stomach and saying “Hi baby! I’m going to be your big brother!” It makes me laugh and excited because I’m happy that he is excited and looking forward to the new addition to our family.

Tyler has also been my “food” police on occasion. This past week I had a craving for BBQ chips, and as I was snacking one afternoon, he ever so politely (okay, not really, but it was humorous) reminded me that “Mom, I think you’ve had enough chips, you’re starting to pack on the pounds.” Along with the comment came a gentle pat on the tummy to drive his point home. I quickly reminded him, that mommy isn’t really “getting fat” she is simply “becoming more pregnant” as the baby grows. Which, believe it or not, is true! I still haven’t gained any weight; I’m shocked myself, but also relieved. I get up every morning, expecting a phenomenal increase in my weight, considering I’m starting to feel like a lard, but I am still holding steady. The trusty bathroom scale continues to report a weight of 143.5!

I did have to break down this past weekend and shop for some maternity pants. Getting ready for work in the morning has become a serious challenge. I just have nothing at the current moment that I can wear comfortably (except sweat pants). So I was able to find 4 pairs at JCPenney’s, and I am hoping they will last for a while, if not the entire pregnancy. Its not that my stomach is protruding and that I “look” pregnant (because really if you look at me, I look like I did over-indulge in a large bag of potato chips and ice cream) but there is SERIOUS comfort in elastic waistbands.

On a sad note, my brother and sister-in-law suffered a miscarriage last week. It is heartbreaking to them and we are all very sad. We were really looking forward to having cousins born within weeks of each other. But sadly, it seems the powers that be had a different plan. So, they will wait a few months and try again. It reminds me how precious this time is and it makes me even more anxious to get to the end of this 1st trimester and into the “safe” zone.

Monday, September 10, 2007

1st Appointment, Confirming the Obvious.

So, today was my first official visit to the doctor to confirm what I already know to be true. Yep, I’m officially pregnant – 8 weeks, 2 days as a matter of fact. Having been through all of this before, I at least know what to expect in the coming months, I was NOT prepared however, for how my appointment would go this morning.

As per the courtesy call left on my answering machine, I arrived 15 minutes early to my appointment, to complete all necessary paperwork. UGH, paperwork. Not much to do in this department except fill the receptionist in on my name change and fill out for the 1000th time (or so it seems like it) the privacy rights paper that gives authorization for certain people to obtain my medical records if necessary. After I am through with the receptionist, I take my seat in the waiting room and begin working on the “questionnaire” I must give to the nurse.

And so, I sit, and I wait, and I start to get annoyed because I REALLY have to pee, something I didn’t do before arriving because I knew I would have to give a specimen. I watch ladies, old and young check in and also take their seats in the waiting room and then I also watch as most of them are called back BEFORE I am, which chaps my ass even more. After 20 minutes or more waiting and fidgeting and trying not to pee myself, I am called to go back. As I walk through the door and hand the nurse my clipboard I am instructed to label my cup and pee in it and then head to exam room 3. No problem.

THAT is until I waltz into the bathroom and am greeted by an un-flushed toilet . . . not just a number 1 mind you, a number 2. At this point, I am sooooo ready to pee my pants that I can’t take the time to chase down the nurse to report the nastiness . . . I quickly gasp for a breath of air and in I go-- flush the toilet with my foot, grab a cup, scribble my name, hover-pee and fill my cup in a swift move, open the little door to the “specimen” chamber and disinfect myself in the sink. I don’t know who was using the bathroom before me, but whoever that person is – LEARN TO FLUSH! It’s a common courtesy, not to mention SANITARY.

After the bathroom I waltz in to the exam room where the nurse takes my blood pressure and weight. Next its “bottoms” off and up on the exam table. I am informed that I will be seeing one of the nurse-midwives today, not an actual doctor. The midwife is pleasant and friendly, so I have no complaints; she does an ultrasound to check the baby and make sure everything is “normal.” It is, and I am quickly sent on my way and instructed that I will have to schedule an appointment for the “History & Initial Exam” appointment. I am scheduled to see a male doctor on my next visit, something I usually try to avoid; in fact I have NEVER had an exam by a male doctor, a fear I guess I will just have to get over.

So for now, all is well, no worries. I’m feeling pretty good, except for the exhaustion in the afternoon. I have been given a due date of April 18th and everything is starting to feel a little more real. Now that I have seen the tiny little “blob” on screen and I know for a fact that its in there, I’m a little more excited and anxious for the next 7 months to fly by!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Headaches, constipation and other wonderful side effects!

Pregnancy is such a wonderful and joyous experience . . . almost. I love the fact that right now I am incubating and growing another life. I love the fact that in a little less then 9 months, I'll have this new little bundle of joy to go along with my 6 1/2 year old "monster" of joy! But, I could REALLY do without all of the lovely side effects and physical symptoms of being pregnant. So far the most annoying are the headaches (or should I say the headache that lingers day and night) and the constipation (don't ask me why this is a side effect of pregnancy, just let me tell you its NOT any fun). On top of the "annoying" side effects, there is the ever present feeling of fatigue, which makes getting through the day a HUGE challenge. For those of you who have never been pregnant, imagine that you've been awake for 48 straight hours and you are still trying to function one more day without getting the required 8 hours of sleep. That's how I feel. Like I just need to lay down for an entire day and do nothing but sleep, yet I know that even if I did do that, it would do nothing to ease the need for more zzzzz's. But, I guess I should look on the bright side, thus far, I have not experienced any morning sickness. I'm really trying to suck it up and not to complain too much, because after all, I am excited.

Which brings me to another topic, weight. I have not gained any weight (except for those 5-10 pounds I put on right after my wedding and honeymoon). I'm holding steady at 143-144 and I've only known about being pregnant for 2 weeks, - - HOWEVER, my clothes are ill-fitting and just plain uncomfortable to which I say "WTF." At six weeks pregnant, I didn't expect my body to start changing so drastically. My hips must have widened a foot because I can no longer get the same pair of pants over them that just 3 weeks ago I was wearing with ease. Its frustrating. But from what I read, normal for a second pregnancy. It seems, according to the Internet, that your body starts changing and showing earlier the second (and any subsequent) time around.

My husband has taken to swearing that he is having "sympathy" symptoms of my pregnancy and that I should be giving him back rubs and and taking care of him, to which I simply reply that he is so full of shit his eyes are turning dark brown. Its early still in my pregnancy, and he has it pretty good right now, I'm still functional (although incredibly tired). But he really isn't that bad, he does ask if there is anything he can do, even if the question is usually accompanied by some crazy sarcastic comment, and he checks in with me during the day to see how I'm feeling.

In other "mom" news . . . my baby (he can still be my baby for now) started 1st grade today! I just can't believe it! Time goes by so fast!

Friday, August 17, 2007

"Team Sister" VS. "Team Brother"

So, its been a few days since the initial revelation and things are starting to seem "real." This morning began with an eventful wake-up consisting of Eric gently rubbing my stomach like a magic lamp and whispering "come on give me a penis." As if there is such a thing as a "penis" genie and it just happens to reside in my womb to grant his "wish." After I promptly slapped Eric's hand away and reminded him that we "really" want a vagina, Eric said "let's tell Tyler." So I got up and marched over to Tyler's room and prodded him awake enough to be able to carry him back to our room (at 68 pounds we WON'T be doing that much longer). We then took the time to tell Tyler that he is going to be a "big brother." Which promptly started the battle of "Team sister" vs. "Team brother." Tyler and I are on "Team sister," Eric on the other hand, is "Team brother."

All in all, the discussion with Tyler went well. He didn't believe us at first, citing the natural reason of "mommy isn't fat enough" as proof to why I can't be pregnant. I then explained that it will be a long time before baby is born and that I won't get "fat" for a few months, at least we hope! We talked about how big the baby is right now and about how mommy "knew" she was pregnant. I'm sure this is just the beginning of the questions.

I'm feeling great, a little tired, especially in the afternoon, but so far nothing unbearable. I've been maintaining my exercise routine and was happy to see another "visibly" pregnant woman at the gym 2 days ago. My boobs are naturally sore and they seem to already be multiplying, which is my case (as anybody who knows me, knows) is great since my "lady lumps" are usually nothing more then "lady mosquito bites." Bring on the B-Cup baby!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We're Pregnant!

I have a wonderful friend who is so good at this, her blogs are always such a great pleasure to read and I am often left with a feeling of "why can't I do that." I was truly inspired by her "pregnancy blog," it kept me "in touch" and informed of her experiences, since we don't get to see each other that often (we live 2 hours apart). So here I am, I'm going to "attempt" to be a writer or blogger, or whatever its called, and keep my family and friends informed on our "pregnancy journey." I can only hope that I will be half as interesting and creative as my good friend and I hope whoever shall stumble upon my ramblings will find them at least half-interesting and worthy of an occasional read.

My husband and I just found out I am (we're) pregnant. Not exactly the timing I was looking for, but alas, it was something I did have a timeline for. I had given my husband a deadline, I must be pregnant by my 29th birthday. Maybe I was naïve in my thinking, but I figured getting pregnant would take serious effort and planning and at least a couple of months of "trying." Not so, it seems. Without much thought or effort or actually "trying," I find myself "with-child." Its actually quite shocking, but I guess we can look on the bright side - at least we know we're fertile! I'm slowly getting used to this idea, I'm working on cutting out all of my vices, you know, junk food, beer and caffeine.

Since this is my second pregnancy (my son is 6 1/2 years old). I am slowly remembering how daunting pregnancy can be, in less than 24 hours I have begun experiencing the horrible symptoms (i.e. constipation, sore boobs, exhaustion) and I know it will only get worse before it gets better. But I remain optimistic, and so, I will keep you posted.