Friday, December 14, 2007

22 Weeks! Is It Over Yet?

I know I shouldn't complain, but really it’s so difficult not to! Especially when you are feeling like crap, as I am right now. The past couple of days I have had a very unhappy digestive tract, not sure of the cause (could it be the stomach bug that seems to be going around, or something in my diet?) all I know is that I've been dealing with a case of diarrhea that doesn't want to go away (a disgusting subject, I know). Overall, it isn’t that bad, I’m not throwing up and eating is not a problem. The problem is, as soon as I do eat, the contents of my stomach immediately empty, in a not-so-happy manner. I’ve been trying to drink plenty of fluids so I don’t get dehydrated; my next plan of attack is to try the so-called BRAT diet (Bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) as a solution and to cut out dairy, which apparently can make the problem worse. So much for my beloved morning bowl of cereal! I am hoping that by the end of the weekend, this problem is under control! If not, I’m guessing I should make a call to the doctor.

Other complaints: the pain in my lower back STILL exists! I’ve found no real relief and I am just really aggravated! I’ve determined that what I am experiencing is “posterior pelvic pain.” I feel it deep inside my buttocks (specifically my tailbone area) and hips and it has now progressed to pain down the backs of my thighs! Just about every activity seems to make it worse. Sitting, getting in and out of bed, climbing stairs, getting dressed, you name it!

On a positive note, both Eric and Tyler have now felt the baby move! I’m not really sure what they think, but it’s cool and exciting to know that someone other than me has gotten to experience baby movement! And despite all the not-so-fun side effects of being pregnant, I am really looking forward to meeting the new little one! Only 18 weeks to go!

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