Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We're Pregnant!

I have a wonderful friend who is so good at this, her blogs are always such a great pleasure to read and I am often left with a feeling of "why can't I do that." I was truly inspired by her "pregnancy blog," it kept me "in touch" and informed of her experiences, since we don't get to see each other that often (we live 2 hours apart). So here I am, I'm going to "attempt" to be a writer or blogger, or whatever its called, and keep my family and friends informed on our "pregnancy journey." I can only hope that I will be half as interesting and creative as my good friend and I hope whoever shall stumble upon my ramblings will find them at least half-interesting and worthy of an occasional read.

My husband and I just found out I am (we're) pregnant. Not exactly the timing I was looking for, but alas, it was something I did have a timeline for. I had given my husband a deadline, I must be pregnant by my 29th birthday. Maybe I was naïve in my thinking, but I figured getting pregnant would take serious effort and planning and at least a couple of months of "trying." Not so, it seems. Without much thought or effort or actually "trying," I find myself "with-child." Its actually quite shocking, but I guess we can look on the bright side - at least we know we're fertile! I'm slowly getting used to this idea, I'm working on cutting out all of my vices, you know, junk food, beer and caffeine.

Since this is my second pregnancy (my son is 6 1/2 years old). I am slowly remembering how daunting pregnancy can be, in less than 24 hours I have begun experiencing the horrible symptoms (i.e. constipation, sore boobs, exhaustion) and I know it will only get worse before it gets better. But I remain optimistic, and so, I will keep you posted.

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