Monday, December 3, 2007

20 Weeks!

I have officially made it to the half-way point! Only 20 more weeks to go! I’ve been a slacker and haven’t written in a while, mostly because things are pretty calm and there is nothing major to report. We had our ultrasound last Tuesday and everything looks really good. Baby Walker is quite a mover and a shaker, barely holding still for the ultrasound tech to get the pictures needed. And, for those of you who are wondering, yes, I did find out the baby’s sex . . . BUT . . . Eric doesn’t want to know, so I’m keeping it a secret! Sorry!

I am feeling the baby move a lot, and like I said before, Baby Walker is quite a mover! At roughly 13 ounces, baby can throw a mean punch (or kick). Big Brother Tyler has tried a few times to feel the baby moving in Mommy’s tummy, but his patience usually runs out and he takes off to get into something more exciting! I also tried to get Eric to feel the baby move, but that was interrupted by a possible “deer” sighting, go figure . . . deer are WAY more important. It’s okay though, it is still pretty difficult to feel the baby from the outside, while it can be done, it does take some patience. I’m sure in a month or so, it will be much easier and a lot more fun!

I’m excited to be heading into my six month; every day is a day closer to meeting this new little creature growing inside me! The only downside to being pregnant so far has been the horrendous pain I feel in my butt and hips. The doctor did say that any discomfort in my hips that I’m having should begin to subside in the next month, and I really hope so! I’m so annoyed by how much it hurts.

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