Friday, August 17, 2007

"Team Sister" VS. "Team Brother"

So, its been a few days since the initial revelation and things are starting to seem "real." This morning began with an eventful wake-up consisting of Eric gently rubbing my stomach like a magic lamp and whispering "come on give me a penis." As if there is such a thing as a "penis" genie and it just happens to reside in my womb to grant his "wish." After I promptly slapped Eric's hand away and reminded him that we "really" want a vagina, Eric said "let's tell Tyler." So I got up and marched over to Tyler's room and prodded him awake enough to be able to carry him back to our room (at 68 pounds we WON'T be doing that much longer). We then took the time to tell Tyler that he is going to be a "big brother." Which promptly started the battle of "Team sister" vs. "Team brother." Tyler and I are on "Team sister," Eric on the other hand, is "Team brother."

All in all, the discussion with Tyler went well. He didn't believe us at first, citing the natural reason of "mommy isn't fat enough" as proof to why I can't be pregnant. I then explained that it will be a long time before baby is born and that I won't get "fat" for a few months, at least we hope! We talked about how big the baby is right now and about how mommy "knew" she was pregnant. I'm sure this is just the beginning of the questions.

I'm feeling great, a little tired, especially in the afternoon, but so far nothing unbearable. I've been maintaining my exercise routine and was happy to see another "visibly" pregnant woman at the gym 2 days ago. My boobs are naturally sore and they seem to already be multiplying, which is my case (as anybody who knows me, knows) is great since my "lady lumps" are usually nothing more then "lady mosquito bites." Bring on the B-Cup baby!

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