Friday, September 21, 2007

10 Weeks!

Well, I’m creeping closer to the end of my 1st trimester, something I am really looking forward to! But alas, I really don’t have much to report, at least nothing exciting. On a heartwarming, mother note – my son Tyler has taken to screaming into my stomach and saying “Hi baby! I’m going to be your big brother!” It makes me laugh and excited because I’m happy that he is excited and looking forward to the new addition to our family.

Tyler has also been my “food” police on occasion. This past week I had a craving for BBQ chips, and as I was snacking one afternoon, he ever so politely (okay, not really, but it was humorous) reminded me that “Mom, I think you’ve had enough chips, you’re starting to pack on the pounds.” Along with the comment came a gentle pat on the tummy to drive his point home. I quickly reminded him, that mommy isn’t really “getting fat” she is simply “becoming more pregnant” as the baby grows. Which, believe it or not, is true! I still haven’t gained any weight; I’m shocked myself, but also relieved. I get up every morning, expecting a phenomenal increase in my weight, considering I’m starting to feel like a lard, but I am still holding steady. The trusty bathroom scale continues to report a weight of 143.5!

I did have to break down this past weekend and shop for some maternity pants. Getting ready for work in the morning has become a serious challenge. I just have nothing at the current moment that I can wear comfortably (except sweat pants). So I was able to find 4 pairs at JCPenney’s, and I am hoping they will last for a while, if not the entire pregnancy. Its not that my stomach is protruding and that I “look” pregnant (because really if you look at me, I look like I did over-indulge in a large bag of potato chips and ice cream) but there is SERIOUS comfort in elastic waistbands.

On a sad note, my brother and sister-in-law suffered a miscarriage last week. It is heartbreaking to them and we are all very sad. We were really looking forward to having cousins born within weeks of each other. But sadly, it seems the powers that be had a different plan. So, they will wait a few months and try again. It reminds me how precious this time is and it makes me even more anxious to get to the end of this 1st trimester and into the “safe” zone.

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