Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not much to report!

I know it’s been a while since I have written, but to be honest, since my last doctor’s appointment, the pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. I feel great, except for the afternoon slump, so I really can’t complain. I made it through my first trimester and I’m nearing 15 weeks, I am just soooo ready for this to be over! Mainly because it’s no fun being “the pregnant one” when you go out!

For example, this past weekend several of us went out for a birthday dinner (for my friend Kiley). Dinner was great, good conversation, good friends, and a lot of fun – EXCEPT for the fact that everyone else was able to enjoy several tasty beverages while I sat and very slowly sipped on a glass of wine (which I never finished). Now I know that 9 months isn’t really that long in the grand scheme of things and that alcohol is really not that important, but seriously my cravings for beer and vodka are just about unbearable! I am trying to remember how I did this the first time around, I don’t remember having quite the same disappointment and withdrawal as I do now, and I’m wondering why that is. Please don’t think that I am a raging alcoholic, because I really am not. But I do enjoy nice cold beer or an ever-so-tasty vodka concoction, but I rarely over-indulge (usually due to the fact that my husband beats me to it).

All in all, though, I really can’t complain. I’m healthy, all of my “lab tests” have come back clean and I feel good. So I just have to make it through the next 25 weeks! Eric has decided he doesn’t want to know the sex of the baby, he wants to be surprised! I’m just not down with that! So I plan on finding out, but sorry to everyone in advance! I won’t be telling! He he he! I managed to pull it off with Tyler, so I am sure I can do it again! I just don’t want to wait until the birth to know, I want to be prepared. I want to be able to think of the life growing inside of me as something other than “it.”

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