Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Only 79 days to go (or less, we hope)!

Can you tell that I am counting down the days? I am so ready for this last trimester to be over! And I don’t think I’m the only one! I definitely think Tyler misses his “mom” a little. The bigger I get (and let me just tell you, I feel like I’m incubating a hippopotamus) the less “fun” I am for Tyler. I wouldn’t mind being able to move with a little more ease, either! I clipped my toenails the other night (it will probably be the last time until baby arrives) and it was such a challenge! Finding a bent-over position that is comfortable and conducive to allowing me to actually see what I am doing isn’t really possible at this stage. Tying my shoes isn’t easy either, I’ve had everyone (my Mom, Dad and even my 7 year old) doing the tying for me (that is, when I choose to wear sneakers, most days anything that slips on is the easiest thing for me to wear). I feel like that slow kid in elementary school who just never learned to tie their shoes, and so I run around looking for someone to take pity on me.

Overall, I feel pretty good, albeit HUGE. I have had several inquires as to whether I am having twins, (“are you sure there is only one in there”) or am I ready to give birth tomorrow. Each time, I hang my head and reply “no, no twins” and “I’m not due until April 18th.” The look of shock on people’s faces is usually quite humorous. I’m really not sure how much more my skin can stretch, by the end of the day it usually feels like it’s going to explode and give up trying to hold in whatever’s in there. I’m very loyal to my lotion, slathering it on at least twice a day, if not more. My belly button is protruding outward and I have developed the “unexplainable” line down the middle of my stomach. Damn the celebrities for making this all look like it’s supposed to be glamorous and easy! Christina Aguilera gets to pose for Marie Claire and look flawless, Nicole Richie proudly pounces around 2 weeks postpartum looking fabulous and a lovely size 2, and then there are us “real” people! We the average people who suffer! Which makes me even more ready for this to be over, so I can begin the transformation back to a “somewhat” normal and youthful body!

Okay, enough with the complaining, because it’s not ALL bad. Leaky boobs, backaches, and stretch marks aside, I do enjoy being pregnant. I LOVE feeling the little one moving around inside of me (except when it’s doing karate at 2:00am). And I absolutely can’t wait to hold a newborn in my arms again! Which is another reason I am so anxiously counting down the days! While I am not exactly looking forward to child birth, I am really looking forward to those first few moments of bonding with our brand new little one.

Enough rambling now, let’s report some statistics. I went to the Dr. Friday, and everything is looking good! I only gained 4 pounds (yea me) in the last 4 weeks and my blood glucose test came back free and clear! The baby’s heart rate was in the 150s, which is good, and my blood pressure remains a steady 106/60. I’m now in my last trimester and that means going to the Dr’s every 2 weeks instead of every 4. I’m hoping that the more frequent Dr visits will help the time go by more quickly!

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