Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Roughly 45 Days To Go!

Let me just tell you . . . I am REALLY hoping it’s less! I’m not sure I can survive another 45 days of being pregnant! I am so incredibly uncomfortable! But even more then being uncomfortable, I am SOOOOOO tired of the random outbursts and comments that come from complete strangers when I venture out.

It seems that no matter where I go, or what I do, someone has a comment. I’m tired of being asked if I’m due “any second” because frankly the answer is “NO!” I have at least 3 ½ more weeks to get through. I’m tired of being asked if I “know” what I’m having and I’m even more tired of people offering up their opinion as to what I am having! Everyone claims to “know” exactly what I’m having based on my size and shape. I’ve had some very convincing arguments from random strangers for each sex. For example, while television shopping with my husband a couple of weeks ago, one older couple swore up and down that I am having a girl. Their reasoning – their daughter is due with their grandchild around the same time I am due and I am carrying my child exactly like she is! But I’ve also had the “oh, its definitely a boy” comments as well – One prime example, this past week we went on our annual ski trip to Vermont (I didn’t ski L). While driving to Vermont, we stopped at a rest area on the New York Thruway. As I am entering the plaza and looking for the only thing on my mind – the bathroom – I am startled by the someone shouting in my face, “oh, you are so having a boy.” It’s beyond rude, it’s borderline psychotic! All I can do is grit my teeth and smile when all I really want to do is scream, “just leave me alone!”

Aside from being miserably uncomfortable, things are going really well. I’ve had no major problems during the pregnancy, my “watch list” in my medical folder remains empty – something my doctors keep applauding me for, and I’m actually pretty prepared! This past weekend, Eric and I put together the stroller and crib, the car seat is ready to go, and I’ve been cleaning and organizing like crazy! I completely rearranged my son Tyler’s bedroom, cleaned out his closet and dressers, packed up all of the clothing he can no longer wear and organized the clothes he can. If baby came tomorrow, I think we would be okay. There are a few things I need to purchase, but the necessities are all in hand. AND – we’ve even settled on names! Taylor McKenzie if it’s a girl and Aedan Patrick if it’s a boy!

I’ve found a local photographer who has a special “Belly to Baby” portrait package, so this weekend I’m going to get my “belly” shots and once the baby is here, we get to do the baby shots! I think it’s such a wonderful way to document things this time around! As soon as I can, I’ll post the belly shots on here for all to see!

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