Thursday, May 15, 2008

One Month Old!

I’m tired . . . no, not just tired, DEAD ZOMBIE TIRED! My little guy is one month old and has successfully deprived me of so much sleep that I feel like a walking zombie (and for that matter, I usually look like one as well!) Don’t get me wrong, Baby Aedan has brought so much joy into our lives, he has blessed us and is a wonderful addition to our little family . . . BUT . . . he doesn’t like to sleep at night! I should have known! When I was pregnant with him, he was the most active at night when I was trying to sleep. He kept me awake then, why should it be any different now!

I think my husband has developed a newfound respect for me, or at least he seems to be a bit in awe of my “newborn mothering” skills. He has made comments on several occasions that sound like this, “I don’t know how you did this when you were 21” and “How did you do this on your own with Tyler.” My response has been- there is no other choice! Even on the most sleep deprived day I still have to put one foot in front of the other and function, even if it appears to be in a zombie-like trance!

Our little guy is up an average 2-3 times per night, and when he is up, he isn’t very fond of going back to sleep right away. Little Aedan has been sleeping in our room thanks to a bassinet that is on loan from my friend Lindsay. But when he awakens in the middle of the night I take him out of the room so I don’t disrupt my husbands slumber (too much). Many nights I end up staying on the couch after that first initial awakening, simply because little Aedan does not particularly want to go back to bed. I’ve learned that there are some great re-runs on in the middle of the night, but that at 5:00am everything and it seems to really be EVERYTHING turns to info-mercials! WHY is this???? I have no desire to see the latest and greatest gadget on sale for 3 easy payments of 19.95!

Not only do I have to be the mother to this precious little newborn, but I also have to keep up with my very active 7 year old, which exhausts me even more. That whole “sleep when the baby” sleeps advice is no good when you have more than one child at home! I would love to sleep when the baby sleeps, but how do you do that when your 7 year old is begging for your attention! I feel incredibly bad some days. Because I am so sleep deprived, my temper is short, and I often snap at poor Tyler. The one good thing – the weather has been pretty nice and Tyler has been able to go outdoors and play with the 2 children who live relatively nearby.

I have to tell you though; I love the fact that I currently have boobs! It has to be one of the nicest and best “perks” of motherhood! I finally broke down and went to Target to purchase some nursing bras . . . I had to buy 34C!!!!! I’ve never been a C-cup in my life! I know it is a short-lived luxury, so I am trying to enjoy it while I can! After I quit nursing with Tyler my boobs shrunk to a smaller size then they were before I was preggo with him! I’m just waiting for the same to happen this time around . . . I fear that I will end up an AA!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I had a flashback of horror just reading your post...and I don't think I was as sleep-deprived as you! Hope you get a night off soon......