Wednesday, May 28, 2008

7 Weeks Old!

Okay, so I'm not very good at finding time to keep up with my blog! I started writing this post last week and I am just now finding time to sit down and finish it!

So, my little guy is seven weeks old! I can't believe how fast the time goes! The little one is doing so well. He is definitely growing, which is sad but exciting at the same time, I love watching him become more alert and aware of the world around him. We've had a few milestones in the past couple of weeks . . . some smiles and attempts at laughing . . . and the biggest of all . . . WE ARE ONLY WAKING UP ONCE AT NIGHT! Okay, really it's still hit or miss, but Aedan is finally finding a groove and adjusting to a "schedule" of sorts. He'll go to bed any time between 9:00 and 10:00 and sleep until some time between 1:00 and 3:00 when he gets up for a "short" feeding, and then goes back to sleep until somewhere between 5:00 and 7:00. It's still exhausting for me, but SOOOOOOOOOOO much better then the unhappy nights I've spent on the couch and the every 2 hour night feedings I had been suffering through the first 5 weeks! I've managed not to spoil Aedan like I did his big brother . . . Aedan will easily drift off to sleep on his own if I lay him down. The only thing . . . the little guy sleeps on his stomach . . . even though all the "rule" books say, back is better. I tried so hard to get him to sleep on his back. I even tried the swaddle blankets, but NOTHING and I mean NOTHING would work. When I lay him down on his back he's awake within 20 minutes. So, I finally gave up and tried the stomach . . . and Voila! He sleeps like a champ!

There have been a few nights where little Aedan has slept too well and Mommy has had to get up anyway to pump her breasts. So, even though the middle of the night feeding deprives me of sleep, it brings me comfort in the boob department! I guess I should be glad that I have such wonderful milk producing breasts, but sometimes it's a real pain in the ass. For example, the other night Aedan went to sleep kinda early . . . 9:00pm . . . and I went to bed as well. Around midnight though, I was waking up to rock hard boobs and a wet shirt . . . so off I go to pump. I pumped a whopping 8 ounces before heading back to bed. I already have a freezer full of milk and the little guy isn't even 2 months old!

Aedan is growing and we are guessing his weight to be around 12 1/2 pounds. Since we don't have a scale at home which we can put Aedan on to weigh him, we use the "subtraction method." First I stand on the scale with Aedan in my arms, then I stand on it without him (a number I hate seeing). Then we subtract to get a "guess-timate" of how much the little guy weighs!

I'm really looking forward to the next few months of discovery and watching Aedan take in the world around him. He has changed so much already I can only imagine what is next!

I hope to post some pictures on here later today!

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