Thursday, March 20, 2008

Any Day Now!

I can’t begin to say how excited I am! I went to the doctors yesterday and learned that I am already 3cm dilated and 50% effaced, so the baby could decide to come at any moment! Yeah! I’m going to try and get outside to do some walking (if the weather ever cooperates) in hopes of “helping” things along. I am just so anxious! I guess maybe I should consider packing my bag for the hospital! Of course last time I waited until I was in labor and having contractions at home before I concerned myself with getting anything ready for the hospital, and things worked out just fine.

I am so glad that this pregnancy has gone well; even though I have found it much more painful at the age of 28 then I did when I was 21. I hope that the delivery goes smoothly and our little one is just a happy, healthy bundle of joy!

I went on my first (and probably only) secret shopping trip to purchase some clothes for the new baby. Since my husband doesn’t want to know the sex, I haven’t been able to splurge and buy stuff, simply because buying it meant I had to hide it. But, I finally couldn’t take it anymore, so I broke down and took advantage of a sale at JCPenney’s the other day! I’ve managed to wash and hide everything, so the new clothes are just patiently waiting like me!

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