Friday, June 6, 2008

A break-through (sort of)!

Just a quick post to say that I have had two nights of Aedan sleeping from 10pm until 4:00am (actually 4:30 the first night and 4:00 the second). Consecutive nights, nope, not even close! But hey, I'll take any night where I can get more than 4 hours of consecutive slumber, I don't care if it only happens once a month! It's better then nothing! Now, if I can just figure out what is making him sleep longer on these rare occassions.

In other "mom" news . . . today is my little man's last day of 1st grade! School's out for summer! I can't believe that Tyler is graduating to the 2nd grade, god how that makes me feel old! Not to mention sad! My first baby is no longer a baby! Soon it will be school dances (do they still have those, I wonder?) and driver's licenses, Prom and graduation, college . . . I'm just not ready for this! I'm not ready for how it makes me feel. Just the thought of watching my first go through all of these events in life brings tears to my eyes! Aedan is just a baby, but I know that in the blink of an eye, he'll be a busy-body 7 year old, just like his big brother is now! If we could only freeze time and keep them small and cuddly forever!

Here's a picture of my two boys on T's last day of school!

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