Thursday, April 10, 2008

Still no baby . . .

Well here I am one day short of 39 weeks and still no baby! The little one just doesn’t want to make an appearance and Mommy wants to hurry up and get this whole thing over with! My comfort level is zero. I swear I’ve tried everything I know of to “induce” labor, but nothing is working, despite the fact that I am 4cm dilated! It’s just my luck to be stuck in this state. Most of my friends have had the opposite problem, they go into labor but then can’t seem to progress past 1-2cm and here I am walking around at 4cm with no action! UGH, these last weeks are so frustrating!

On a different note, the cat is out of the bag! The nurse at the Doctor’s office spilled the secret to Eric on the sex of the baby! It was totally an accident, she didn’t know that he didn’t know, but his desire to be surprised is now officially ruined! I felt so bad for the both of them; Eric because it’s so close to the end and the surprise is ruined and the poor nurse was in tears when she learned that he didn’t know and that she just blurted it out. She felt so bad, that it made me feel so bad. But oh well, everything happens for a reason. So the big secret is now free to be told . . . We’re having a boy! Little Aedan Patrick Walker will soon (we hope VERY SOON) make his appearance into the world!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Oh no I can't beleive after all that secrecy!!! Oh well is Eric at least excited that its a boy? Did you tell Tyler??