Thursday, August 23, 2007

Headaches, constipation and other wonderful side effects!

Pregnancy is such a wonderful and joyous experience . . . almost. I love the fact that right now I am incubating and growing another life. I love the fact that in a little less then 9 months, I'll have this new little bundle of joy to go along with my 6 1/2 year old "monster" of joy! But, I could REALLY do without all of the lovely side effects and physical symptoms of being pregnant. So far the most annoying are the headaches (or should I say the headache that lingers day and night) and the constipation (don't ask me why this is a side effect of pregnancy, just let me tell you its NOT any fun). On top of the "annoying" side effects, there is the ever present feeling of fatigue, which makes getting through the day a HUGE challenge. For those of you who have never been pregnant, imagine that you've been awake for 48 straight hours and you are still trying to function one more day without getting the required 8 hours of sleep. That's how I feel. Like I just need to lay down for an entire day and do nothing but sleep, yet I know that even if I did do that, it would do nothing to ease the need for more zzzzz's. But, I guess I should look on the bright side, thus far, I have not experienced any morning sickness. I'm really trying to suck it up and not to complain too much, because after all, I am excited.

Which brings me to another topic, weight. I have not gained any weight (except for those 5-10 pounds I put on right after my wedding and honeymoon). I'm holding steady at 143-144 and I've only known about being pregnant for 2 weeks, - - HOWEVER, my clothes are ill-fitting and just plain uncomfortable to which I say "WTF." At six weeks pregnant, I didn't expect my body to start changing so drastically. My hips must have widened a foot because I can no longer get the same pair of pants over them that just 3 weeks ago I was wearing with ease. Its frustrating. But from what I read, normal for a second pregnancy. It seems, according to the Internet, that your body starts changing and showing earlier the second (and any subsequent) time around.

My husband has taken to swearing that he is having "sympathy" symptoms of my pregnancy and that I should be giving him back rubs and and taking care of him, to which I simply reply that he is so full of shit his eyes are turning dark brown. Its early still in my pregnancy, and he has it pretty good right now, I'm still functional (although incredibly tired). But he really isn't that bad, he does ask if there is anything he can do, even if the question is usually accompanied by some crazy sarcastic comment, and he checks in with me during the day to see how I'm feeling.

In other "mom" news . . . my baby (he can still be my baby for now) started 1st grade today! I just can't believe it! Time goes by so fast!

Friday, August 17, 2007

"Team Sister" VS. "Team Brother"

So, its been a few days since the initial revelation and things are starting to seem "real." This morning began with an eventful wake-up consisting of Eric gently rubbing my stomach like a magic lamp and whispering "come on give me a penis." As if there is such a thing as a "penis" genie and it just happens to reside in my womb to grant his "wish." After I promptly slapped Eric's hand away and reminded him that we "really" want a vagina, Eric said "let's tell Tyler." So I got up and marched over to Tyler's room and prodded him awake enough to be able to carry him back to our room (at 68 pounds we WON'T be doing that much longer). We then took the time to tell Tyler that he is going to be a "big brother." Which promptly started the battle of "Team sister" vs. "Team brother." Tyler and I are on "Team sister," Eric on the other hand, is "Team brother."

All in all, the discussion with Tyler went well. He didn't believe us at first, citing the natural reason of "mommy isn't fat enough" as proof to why I can't be pregnant. I then explained that it will be a long time before baby is born and that I won't get "fat" for a few months, at least we hope! We talked about how big the baby is right now and about how mommy "knew" she was pregnant. I'm sure this is just the beginning of the questions.

I'm feeling great, a little tired, especially in the afternoon, but so far nothing unbearable. I've been maintaining my exercise routine and was happy to see another "visibly" pregnant woman at the gym 2 days ago. My boobs are naturally sore and they seem to already be multiplying, which is my case (as anybody who knows me, knows) is great since my "lady lumps" are usually nothing more then "lady mosquito bites." Bring on the B-Cup baby!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

We're Pregnant!

I have a wonderful friend who is so good at this, her blogs are always such a great pleasure to read and I am often left with a feeling of "why can't I do that." I was truly inspired by her "pregnancy blog," it kept me "in touch" and informed of her experiences, since we don't get to see each other that often (we live 2 hours apart). So here I am, I'm going to "attempt" to be a writer or blogger, or whatever its called, and keep my family and friends informed on our "pregnancy journey." I can only hope that I will be half as interesting and creative as my good friend and I hope whoever shall stumble upon my ramblings will find them at least half-interesting and worthy of an occasional read.

My husband and I just found out I am (we're) pregnant. Not exactly the timing I was looking for, but alas, it was something I did have a timeline for. I had given my husband a deadline, I must be pregnant by my 29th birthday. Maybe I was naïve in my thinking, but I figured getting pregnant would take serious effort and planning and at least a couple of months of "trying." Not so, it seems. Without much thought or effort or actually "trying," I find myself "with-child." Its actually quite shocking, but I guess we can look on the bright side - at least we know we're fertile! I'm slowly getting used to this idea, I'm working on cutting out all of my vices, you know, junk food, beer and caffeine.

Since this is my second pregnancy (my son is 6 1/2 years old). I am slowly remembering how daunting pregnancy can be, in less than 24 hours I have begun experiencing the horrible symptoms (i.e. constipation, sore boobs, exhaustion) and I know it will only get worse before it gets better. But I remain optimistic, and so, I will keep you posted.