Thursday, September 17, 2009

Bad Blogger!

How horrible am I??? I've got the WORST blogging skills! Ahhh well, it is what it is! The summer has come and gone and I am just getting around to writing! So much has taken place over the last 3 months!

June was filled packing and preparing to move. Tyler graduated from 2nd grade and jumped right in to summer! He attended his first football camp and began a summer program with the Boys and Girls Club. We settled on our house June 29th and the moving began!

July was busy with moving and a beach trip to Oak Island, NC. As always the weather was spectacular and the week was filled with fishing, cruising the intracostal, and soaking up the sun. The end of July was the start of football practices for Tyler and that pivotal point when you know summer will soon be over!

August was another busy month as we tried to unpack and organize our new home. Football games began and Tyler headed back to school as a 3rd grader! Tyler's football team is off to an awesome start and is successfully defending their JV Champions status. Tyler is playing extremely well. He has scored several touchdowns and is playing QB some of the time.

September has kicked off and the feel of fall is definitely in the air! As always, little Aedan has been a trouper coming to work with me everyday! He continues to grow and his silliness makes everyone laugh. He loves to wrestle and play ball with his brother. He is such a big boy now!

The next couple of weeks will be busy with weddings and a trip to Tennessee (for a wedding) and of course FOOTBALL. I've attached some photos for your viewing pleasure!

Monday, June 8, 2009

We're Moving!

This is a picture of our new home! We settle on June 30th! We are very excited and can't wait to start moving in July. More pictures to come!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Yes! We Still Exist!

I know, I know . . . I'm horrible about blogging! I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted! Honestly, it really doesn't feel like that long ago, time just seems to fly by. So much has happened though in the past couple of months and I'll do my best to update. It may take me a few posts though!

I'll start with the baby! Aedan is now almost 13 months! I simply can't believe it! He is changing, growing, and learning so much everyday. He started walking right when he turned 10 months! Each day he is moving easier and at a much quicker pace. He waves bye-bye and loves to tackle you if you are on the floor at his level. He climbs the stairs and has figured out how to go down them as well, but we still try to avoid the stairs for safety reasons :) He loves playing outside and tries to mimic EVERYTHING big brother Tyler does (skateboarding, riding a scooter, the bike, you name it!). Aedan had his one year check up and he weighs in at a whopping 22 lbs 11oz. He is 31 inches tall. We have started to look into daycare options and its sad to think that my days of bringing Aedan to work with me are coming to an end, but his activity level is continually increasing, making it difficult to keep tabs on him.

Tyler is nearing the end of 2nd grade and is soooooo ready for the summer break! Now that the weather is warm he is spending most of his time outside and is enjoying every minute of it. He has been taking drum lessons at the Cumberland Valley School of Music, and I must admit, for an 8 year old . . . I think he does rather well (although a quieter instrument would be nice). He had a great year in wrestling, but we are thinking it may be his last. He really wants to play basketball and of course it's just impossible to do both.

We took a short trip to OCMD at the end of April. Eric and never been there and it had been YEARS since I was there to enjoy the hustle and bustle of the boardwalk. We had a great trip, the weather was spectacular and we lucked into the MD Kite Exposition. It was the perfect time of year to visit OC. We are thinking of making it an annual "spring" break.