Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I Voted!

I couldn't think of a "good" title for today, and since today IS election day, I figured "I Voted" was an appropriate choice! But don't worry, I don't intend to get all political here . . . I'm not one to argue politics! But I do think it's very important for each and every person to vote, and that is a belief I hope I can pass down to my children.
So what's new since last post? Little Aedan is now pulling himself up and standing! It's all he wants to do! Usually when he accomplishes the task of standing he then screams with a "look at me" shriek! Aedan also has two teeth that came in on the bottom! I can't believe how quickly things change!
While little Aedan is just starting to have his baby teeth come in, Big Brother Tyler continues to lose his! Tyler lost two more teeth in the past week! And let me just tell you, he is making out like a bandit with the tooth fairy!
Another Halloween has come and gone and we are now on candy overload! Tyler went as the "Scream" guy with special effects blood dripping down his face and Aedan was a little Dragon. Aedan was completely oblivious to the events and decided that sleeping was a much better way to spend his time during the annual trick-or-treating. I've noticed that over the last couple of years, the number of houses "actively" participating in trick-or-treating has slowly declined. And by "actively" I mean you go to the door ring the bell, someone comes out with a candy dish and makes a comment on your costume and gives you candy. Now it seems that MANY are opting for a much lazier route. The new trend is to sit a bowl of candy on a chair on your front porch (unattended) and let the kiddos help themselves. Maybe we will just have to find another neighborhood to visit next year . . . one that makes it worthwhile!
Aedan has had a few nights of sleeping-through-the-night success! And I thought it would soon be smooth sailing . . . but of course we now have a runny, stuffy nose, so Mommy continues with the waking torture! One of these days I will sleep again!
On a positive note, Aedan continues to enjoy his exploration in "real food." We have successfully gone through all the veggies (he has rejected none of them, hallelujah!) and we have begun to include meats and fruits. We are practicing picking up cereal puffs and trying to get them in our mouth . . . a very tricky task! I will be so glad when the little guy can finally feed himself! It will give us both some much needed freedom!

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