Monday, August 11, 2008

Almost 4 Months!

Wow, how time flies!

Our little guy is growing up so fast! I can't believe that at the end of this week he'll be 4 months old! He is changing so much everyday! He recently began rolling over from his back onto his stomach (he had mastered rolling from his stomach to his back in June). He is now quite the little mover, we definitely have to keep our eyes on him. He loves to play with his toys and everything goes straight to his mouth! We visit the Dr. next Monday and I am anxious to see how much he has grown.

Mommy is still VERY exhausted since the little one is still not sleeping through the night. Things had been getting better, but in the last few weeks Aedan seems to be regressing. We are now back to getting up twice during the night and it's really putting a drain on Mommy's energy level! We've tried just about everything! I've given the little guy formula right before bed. He's had formula with a teaspoon of cereal right before bed. I've tried Chamomile in his bedtime bottle and NOTHING seems to help! I never had this issue with my first child, by 2 months he was sleeping wonderfully through the night. It has just been very different this time around! And who would have thought that it could be so different from one child to the next! From what I've read, 4 months really is the magic number when it comes to baby and sleep. At least, I'm REALLY hoping that's the case!

So what have we been doing the last two months! We've managed to take 2 beach trips to NC, both very fun and well worth the long drive with a baby! Aedan enjoyed sleeping in his tent on the beach while big brother Tyler played in the water. Most recently, we took a day trip to Rock Hall, MD where the "boys" (Pappy, Daddy, Tyler, Uncle Pat and a few others) spent the day fishing on the bay while Mommy, Grammy and Aedan spent the day exploring (and a little shopping). We visited the Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge where we walked around and enjoyed the different scenery (especially the butterfly garden!).

Overall the past two months have gone by so quickly and I can't complain too much! Aedan is such an adorable little guy! Everywhere we go people flock to him. Word seems to travel quickly when an extremely cute baby enters a building, and Aedan usually hams it up for his admirers by giving them a grin and playfully hiding his face in my shoulder. His vocabulary (okay, baby-cabulary) keeps growing. He now loves to intertwine his ooooh's and aaahh's with a few squeals and shouts. I think he's going to be a talker - like his Daddy!

I admit I've been slacking, but it has been hard to find the time to blog, especially for someone who is already BAD at it! I'm hoping to get back on track and I am vowing to make a serious effort to keep up! So, until next time!

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