Friday, October 17, 2008

6 Months Old!

So here here is our little man! Six months old already! He actually turned six months on Wednesday, but I held off to post until after his doctors visit today so I could report a few stats. Aedan is a whopping 18 lbs 4 oz and 26 1/2 inches long! He's growing like a weed and overall very happy and healthy!

I made it six months with breastfeeding and I'm ready to close down production! Mostly because Aedan is totally losing interest! I would gladly continue if I felt like it was what he wanted, but now that we have been eating cereal and very recently veggies, it seems like he is just sooooo over the boob! But I am completely proud of myself for making it 6 months! I only nursed Tyler for about 2 1/2 months, so this has been quite a LONG journey for me (but a total money saver)! I will continue to pump until the wells are dry, but I don't expect that to take very long. Ever since we started "real" food, it's like my body immediately started to turn off the mammaries!

So what is Aedan doing these days? He is sitting up and attempting to crawl. He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. He does move around pretty quickly though by doing an "army" crawl. He also has begun saying "da-da" although it is usually more like "da-da-da-da-da-da." I am trying to learn baby sign language and I bought 3 "My Baby Can Talk" videos, which Aedan absolutely loves to watch! I know you are not supposed to plop your kid down in front of the TV, but when I am trying to get ready in the morning - TV is a life saver!

On the downside - still NOT sleeping through the night! AGGGGHHHHH! I am so ready to pull my hair out! Then there are nights where not only does Aedan get me up, but his big brother does as well! Nights like last night! Big brother Tyler doesn't like to get up and go to the bathroom alone, so what does he do . . . wakes Mommy up! So needless to say, I am one tired Mommy most of the time, but really how can I complain when both of my boys are so healthy and happy. Aedan will eventually get there, and I'm sure if I was strong enough to do the cry it out method, he would get there a lot faster. But I don't like letting my little guy cry too long and trust me, I'm not sure it would work with him. The one night I did attempt the "cry it out" method he cried for 2 hours straight! Since then, I've just given it up to a higher power to decide when the "time" will be!