Friday, November 9, 2007

17 Weeks – Almost Halfway!

Today marks the start of my 17th week! I’m getting closer to that half-way point and I am sooooo glad. Not that I don’t like being pregnant, it’s just that I think I like being “not” pregnant much better!

Feeling the baby move is one of the joys I am getting to experience. I have been feeling random “flutters” for a couple of weeks now and the “flutters” are beginning to become stronger and more frequent. Our ultrasound is in 17 days! I am looking forward to seeing the little guy or girl on screen again.

In other news, I have begun to experience the most annoying and horrible pain known to man in my tailbone. It’s hurts to sit for long periods of time and it’s quite painful at night when I am lying in bed. I’ve done some internet research and have found that I am not the only pregnant lady to experience this problem, and I must say, I don’t remember having this problem at all with Tyler. I have read several reasons as to why this could be happening. One for example says that the pelvic floor ligaments attach to your tailbone and as they soften up, they hurt. Well, whatever the reason for the pain, I don’t like it! Seriously, it’s just not cool! And I’ve ruled out sciatica simply because there is no pain in my legs, the pain is all centrally located. Typically, so I’ve read, people who experience sciatica experience numbing or tingling down the backs of their legs. The pain I feel actually feels like someone is driving a nail into my tailbone with a 50 pound hammer!

Dream news – I had a very strange dream last night. I dreamt that I gave birth to a very healthy baby girl. Okay, that part is not so strange, the strange part is that I gave birth at 17 weeks to a healthy baby girl and when we brought her home we put her in a drawer and named her Sophia. I’m not exactly sure how to decode the dream, except to say that I hope it’s a sign that I’m having a baby girl! I have been having that “boy” feeling, the same feeling that I had when I was pregnant with Tyler, and even though I have been hoping for a girl, I can’t shake the “it’s a boy” feeling. That is until today. Because of the dream last night, now I’m not quite so sure, I almost feel 100% opposite, like it’s totally a girl. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be equally happy with either a boy or girl, but I do long for a little more estrogen in the household!